


  • A.A. -> Always Afloat
  • a.d. -> Ante diem/before dateBefore/due
  • A.F. -> Advance Freight Advance freight in advance
  • A.H. -> After Hatch Aft hatch
  • A.P. -> Additional Premium Additional Premium
  • a/c -> Account Account, to account
  • A/C ->Account currentCurrent account
  • A/d -> After date After due date
  • A/S -> Alongside Bordada
  • A/S -> Account sale Sales account
  • a/s -> At sight
  • A/S -> Account Sales/After sight Sales account/After sight
  • A/V -> Ad valorem value
  • Acc -> Accepted, acceptance Accepted, acceptance
  • ad/advt -> Advocate Lawyer
  • Afft. -> Affidavit Sworn written statement
  • aflt. -> Afloat Floating
  • AI -> First class 1st class
  • Alt. -> Alternate Substitute/Alternate
  • amt. -> Amount Amount
  • an. -> Anno Anno
  • Anch. -> Anchorage Iron yri
  • arbtn./arbtror -> Arbitration/Arbitrator Arbitration (arbitration) Arbitrator
  • art. -> Article Statistical position/Article
  • assd. -> Assessed Accrued
  • Assigt. -> Association Association, union
  • att.At., Atty. -> Attorney Deputy/Attorney
  • Att.Gen. -> Attorney General Attorney General
  • awb -> Airwarybill (Air) waybill


  • B.B. -> Bill Book Debit note book
  • B.B.B. -> Before Breaking Bulk Before starting to discharge the cargo (bulk)
  • B.D. -> Bar Draught Required min. water draft at low tide
  • b.d. -> Bills discounted/Bank draft Discounted bills/Bank draft
  • B.D.I. -> Both Dates Inclusive Both Dates Inclusive
  • B.E. ->Both ends, at both load/discharge ports 1. handrails, 2. loading/discharging ports
  • B.H. -> Bill of Health/Bulkhead Health certificate/Required vertical division for bulk cargo
  • B.O. -> Buyer's option Buyer's option
  • B.O.T. -> Board of Trade Trade Delegation
  • b.p. -> By procuration (power of attorey) Authorised to sign by proxy
  • B.T. -> Berth terms Loading and unloading rules
  • B/C -> Bills for collection
  • b/d -> Brought down Transport
  • B/E -> Bill of Exchange Policy, negotiable instrument transferred by endorsement
  • B/G -> Bonded goods Unpaid transit goods
  • B/N -> Banknote Banknote
  • B/P -> Bills payable Note payable
  • B/P -> Bill payable Notes payable
  • B/R -> Bills receivable Notes receivable
  • B/S -> Bill of Sale Instrument transferring ownership of the ship
  • B/S (b.s) -> Bill of Sale/Balance Sheet Bill of Sale/Balance Sheet
  • bal. -> Balance Balance
  • Bd. -> Bond Bond
  • Bds. -> Boards Board, cardboard
  • bkpt. -> Bankrupt Bankrupt
  • bre. -> Barrel Barrel
  • Bs/c. -> Bills of collection


  • c -> Currency/Cents/Case Money/Sent/Status
  • C and D -> Collection and Delivery Collection and Delivery
  • C.a.D. -> Cash against Documents Payment against documents
  • C.B. -> Cash Credit Credit given as money
  • C.b.d. -> Cash beore delivery Payment before delivery
  • c.d. -> Cash discount/Certificate of deposit Cash discount/Certificate of deposit receipt
  • C.div. -> Cumulative dividend
  • C.F. -> Cost and Freight Cost of Goods and Freight
  • C.G. -> CCoast Guard Coastguard
  • C.G.A. -> Cargo's proportion of General Average Cargo's share of general average
  • C.H. -> Custom House Customs House
  • C.I.F. -> Cost, Insurance, Freight Cost of Goods, Insurance and Freight
  • C.I.F.c.and.I -> Cost insurance, Freight, Commission and Interest
  • C.i.a. -> Cash in advance
  • C.L. -> Carload Lot Delivery to the receiving station
  • C.O.D. -> Cash on Delivery Payment on delivery
  • C.O.P. -> Custom of the Port Port custom, procedure
  • C.P.D. -> Charterers Pay Dues Tax, dues belong to the charterer
  • C/A -> Capital account Capital account
  • c/f -> Carried forward Carried forward
  • C/H -> Clearing House Clearing House
  • c/m -> Certificate of manufacture
  • C/N -> Credit Note Receivable receipt
  • C/N -> Credit Note Credit receipt
  • C/O -> Certificate of Origin Certificate of Origin Certificate of Origin
  • c/o -> Through Care of/Cash order (by hand) Order with advance payment
  • C/P -> Charter Party Ship charter contract
  • cash b/I -> against bill of lading Cash against bill of lading
  • Cash. -> Cashier Cashier, teller
  • -> Conditional sale Conditional sale
  • ch.ppd. -> Charges prepaid Charges prepaid
  • chq. -> Cheque Cheque
  • cl.b/l -> Clean bill of lading Clean, unattached bill of lading
  • Coll. -> Collect/collection Collect/collection of promissory notes
  • Ctge. -> Cartage Shipping Charge


  • D.1/2 D. -> Despatch half Demurrage Dispatch half as much as Surastarya
  • D.A. -> Deposit account Deposit account
  • D.a.d. -> Documents against discretion of collecting bank
  • D.A.F. -> Delivery at Frontier Hudutta delivery
  • d.bk. -> Drawback Customs duty refund, rejected duty
  • d.d.o. -> Despatch Discharging only Dispatch only when discharging
  • D.P.B. -> Deposit pass-book Deposit book
  • d.s. -> Days after sight Days after presentation
  • D/A -> Documents against Acceptance Documents against Acceptance
  • D/D -> Demand Draft Policy payable on sight
  • D/D -> Demand draft Policy payable on presentation
  • D/N -> Debit Note Debit Note
  • D/N -> Debit note Debit note
  • D/O -> Delivery Order Delivery order
  • D/P -> Documents againts Palment Documents against payment
  • D/P -> Documents against payment Payment against documents
  • D/r -> Deposit receipt Collateral receipt
  • D/y -> Delivery Delivery
  • deb. -> Debit Debt embezzlement
  • Decl. -> Declaration/Declared Declaration/declared
  • Deft. -> Defendant Plaintiff, defender
  • Depr. -> Depreciation Depreciation
  • dft. -> Draft Policy / bill of exchange
  • dft/a. -> Draft attached Policy attached
  • dft/c -> Clean draft Undocumented policy
  • Dis. -> Discount Discount, discount
  • Distr. -> Distribute/Distributor Distribute/Distributor
  • Div. -> Dividend/Division Dividend/Division
  • do -> Ditto Same, exactly
  • Dr. -> Drawer Drawer
  • ds dft -> Sight draft/Date draft Policy payable on presentation/maturity draft


  • e.and o.e ->Errors and omissions excepted
  • e.e. -> Errors excepted Errors excepted
  • E.P.D. -> Excess Profit Duty Extraordinary Profit Tax
  • encl. -> Enclosure Attachments
  • end. -> Endorsed/endorsement Endorsed/ciro
  • ex. -> Exchange Foreign Exchange / Exchange Rate / Stock Exchange
  • Ex.d. (ex.div.) -> Ex dividend (um) Without dividend, without dividend
  • -> Ex interest Except interest
  • exl. -> Exlusive, excluding Excluding, excluding


  • f.b. -> Freight bill Freight bill, invoice
  • F.I.O.S. -> Free In and Out, Stowed See F.I.O. and has nothing to do with stowage costs.
  • F.I.O.S.T. -> Free In and Out, Stowed and Trimmed See F.I.O.S. and has nothing to do with the costs of arrangement.
  • f.o.l. -> Free of interest Interest Free
  • F.P. -> Floating (open) policy Floating (open) policy
  • F.T. -> Freight tonne Volume unit weighing 2240 (or 2000) lbs. Freight tonne-1.016 kg.
  • F.T. -> Full Terms All commissions or discounts are included in the freight.
  • F.T. -> Free of Turn Whether there is a berth or not, astoria days are counted after the arrival of the ship.
  • F.T.W. -> Free Trade Wharf Free Trade Port
  • f.x. -> Foreign exchange Foreign currency
  • fr.fwrd. -> Freight forward Freight forward
  • FRT. -> Freight Freight
  • frt.coll. -> Freightcolleckt Freight to be collected
  • frt.pp. -> Freight prepaid Freight prepaid


  • G.m.b. -> Good merchantable brand Good quality
  • G.R.T. -> Gross Register Tonnage Gross registered tonnes
  • gr. -> Gross Gross
  • gr.wt. -> Gross weight Gross weight
  • Gtee -> Guarantee Guarantee, guarantee
  • Gtee.(gtd) -> Gurantee/Guaranteed Guaranteed/guaranteed


  • H.O. -> Head Office Headquarters (office)
  • H.P. ->Horse Power Horsepower
  • H.W.M. -> High Water Mark High water mark
  • hrs. -> Hours Hours


  • I.B. -> Invoice Book Invoice book
  • I.O.U. -> (IOU) I owe you money, IOU
  • I/c -> In charge of In charge of, as supervisor
  • I/F -> Insufficient funds Insufficient provision, funds
  • I/F -> Insufficient funds Insufficient provision
  • I/I -> Indorsement irregular Irregular endorsement
  • Incl. -> Included, inclusive Included, inclusive
  • Inst. -> Instant (current month) current month
  • Irr. -> Irredeemable Irredeemable
  • Irrev. -> Irrevocable Irrevocable (irrevocable)


  • j.a. -> Joint account Joint account


  • L.a. -> Letter of advice Letter of notice
  • L.B. -> Life Boat Lifeboat
  • L.C.D. -> Telegram Country Destination In the language of the country from which the telegram was sent
  • L.C.O. -> Telegram Country Origin In the language of the (sending) country of telegram origin
  • L.H. -> Lower Hold Dip bar
  • L.h. -> Letter of hypothecaion Letter of mortgage
  • L.O.A. -> Length Overall Full length of the ship
  • L/C -> Letter of Credit Letter of Credit
  • L/C -> Letter of Credit Letter of Credit
  • L/D -> Letter of deposit Deed of pledge
  • led. ->Ledger Ledger
  • Liq. -> Liquidation, liquidated/liquid Liquidation, liquidated/liquidated
  • Ltd. -> Limited Limited


  • m.d. -> Month's date/months after date
  • M.I.P. ->Marine Insurance Policy Marine insurance policy
  • M.O. -> Money Order Remittance Order
  • M.O.L.O.O. ->More or Less In Owner's Option More or Less In Owner's Option
  • m.p. -> Months after payment
  • m.s. -> Months after sight, month's sight One month after presentation
  • M/R -> Mate's Receipt Ordino Loading ordinance
  • Marg. -> Margin Marj
  • mat. -> Maturity Maturity
  • Mem. -> Memorandum Memorandum
  • mtg. -> (mort). Mortgage Pawn
  • mth. -> Month Month


  • N.A.A. -> Not Always Afloat
  • n.d. -> Not dated Not dated
  • N.O.R. -> Notice of Readiness Readiness Letter
  • n.o.s. -> Not otherwise stated, not otherwise specified If not otherwise specified
  • n.p. -> Net proceeds Nt revenue, income
  • N.R.T. -> Net Register Tonnage Net registration tonnes
  • n/a -> No account No account
  • n/e. -> Not exceeding Not exceeding
  • n/f. -> no funds Unrequited
  • natl. -> National National
  • neg. -> Negotiable Endorsable and transferable
  • Net Terms. -> Free of Charterer's commission Free of Charterer's commission Loading/unloading costs do not belong to the vessel.


  • o.d. -> on demand/overdraft On demand/overdraft Exceeding the credit limit
  • o.p. -> Open policy Open Policy
  • o.p.o. -> One price only
  • O.R. -> Owner's Risk At shipowner's risk
  • o.s. -> Outstanding Outstanding (account)
  • O.S.D. -> Open Shelter Decker Open shelter decks shelter decks
  • O/a. -> On acceptance/On account On acceptance/on behalf of, on account of
  • o/c. -> Overcharge Overcharge
  • o/n. -> Order notify Order notification
  • O/o. -> Order of Emrine
  • on cons. -> On consignment On consignment
  • opt. -> Option, optional Option, optional


  • P.A. -> Power of Attorney/Private account
  • p.and I. -> Profit and loss Profit and loss
  • P.B. -> Pass Book Passbook
  • P.O.C. -> Port of Call Port of call
  • P.O.R. -> Port of Refuge Port of Refuge
  • P/N (p.N.) -> Promissory note Promissory note
  • pchs. -> Purchase
  • -> Per procuration Authorised to sign by proxy
  • prem. -> Premium Premium


  • Q.O.O. -> Quantity in Owner's Option Quantity in Owner's Option


  • R.d. -> Running days Days counted in lining days including holidays
  • r/a. -> (R.A.) Refer to acceptor Refer to addressee
  • R/C -> Re-credited Re-credited
  • r/d -> Refer to drawer Refer to drawer
  • r/e -> refer to endorser Cirantaya application
  • rem. -> Remit. remittance Money transfer, remittance
  • rept. -> (recpt.) Receipt Receipt
  • Rev. -> Revision Revision, revision
  • Rev.A/C -> Revenue account Revenue account


  • S.B. -> Sales Book Sales Book
  • S.C. -> Salvage charges Salvage costs
  • S.F. -> Stowage Factor Stowage Factor
  • S.H.E.X. -> Sundays and Holidays Excepted
  • S.H.I.N.C. -> Sundays and Holidays Included
  • S.O.L. -> Shipowner's Liability Shipowner's Liability
  • s.p. -> Supra under protest Acceptance of a promissory note after protest, protested promissory note
  • S.P.A. -> Sundry Persons" account Sundry Persons" account Shipper's Weights Shipper (shipping) weights
  • S.W. -> Shipper's Weights Shipper (shipping) weights
  • s/a ->Subject to approval
  • s/d b/L ->Sight draft with bill of lading attached Policy on presentation with bill of lading attached
  • S/N ->Shipping Note Shipping notice
  • Supt. -> Superintendent Superintendent chief, authorised officer
  • Sy.Crs. ->Sundry Creditors Sundry Creditors
  • Sy.Drs. ->Sundry debtors Sundry debtors


  • T.B. ->Trial Balance Mizan
  • T.C. -> Tweendeck Gladora
  • T.O. ->Turnover Turnover
  • t.r. ->Trust receipt Receipt of possession
  • t.t. -> Telegraphic transfer Telegraphic money transfer
  • T/C ->Charter Time charter time limited vessel charter contract
  • tar. ->Customs tariff


  • ult. -> Ultimo, last month Last month


  • V.o.p. ->Value as in original Policy Value (value) as in original policy
  • V/A -> Voucher attached Voucher, promissory note effective


  • W.A. ->With Average including Average Average
  • W.B. -> Water Ballast Ballast to increase the stability of an empty ship
  • W.I.B.O.N. ->Whether in Berth or Not
  • W.S. (RED) ->Rates, Extras and Demurrage per World Scale Fiat, extras and demurrage per international scale
  • W.V.N.S. -> With Vessel's Natural Segregations (cargo) separated and placed according to the natural shape of the ship
  • W.W.D.->Weather Working Days Weather Working Days
  • w/m ->Without margin No margin
  • w/w ->Warehouse warrant Warehouse receipt
  • whf.->Wharf Dock
  • wholes.->Wholesale Wholesale


  • -> Ex interest interest-free.
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